Category «Uncategorized»

Fighting the Food Battle with SPIRITUAL Weapons

If I asked you why you should clean up your diet, I’m guessing you’d shoot off the same answers we all do: the scale will go down. I’ll feel better. I’ll have more energy. Less inflammation. Less chance of chronic disease. In short, I’ll live long and prosper. 😉 While those are all fantastic reasons …

A Health Coach Who’s a Size 12??

Yep, I let the cat out of the bag. I’m a size 12, and I’m actually just fine with it. And it’s not because I’m an “eat-whatever-you-want-and-embrace-it” kind of health coach. No, I definitely believe in more real food and less processed food, in paying attention to what you’re eating and when, and in giving …

What Rapunzel Teaches Us About Body Image

In my lifetime, I’ve only met a couple of women who don’t struggle with body image. For most of us, hating our body (or at least parts of it) just seems like part of being a woman. The feelings of shame and self-condemnation over the way we look start in our pre-teen years and continue …

Intuitive Eating: A Faith-Based Perspective

For a while now, I’ve been following the different voices in the Intuitive Eating world. This movement has been growing in strength, and for good reason. After decades of suffering through punishing, restrictive diets, thousands are embracing Intuitive Eating as a way to get back to the basics. To actually listen to our body rather …

Our Battle with “The Should’s”

I’ve been coaching a lot of people in the office lately who are buried under a mountain of “The Should’s.” It’s something I struggled with for decades. You probably know the mental voices I’m talking about: “I should eat less carbs. I should do more Hiit workouts. I should stay away from gluten. I should …

Confessions of a Former Sugar Addict

It’s a pretty daunting task to write about sugar addiction. That’s because in our culture, sugar isn’t just a food….it represents happiness and comfort and a million other sentimental feelings all wrapped into one. It’s intertwined with many of our most cherished dreams, moments, and memories. Just imagine a birthday without that luscious, 3-tiered birthday …

My Definition of Faith-Based Fitness

I know—you may be wondering why in the world I would put Faith and Fitness in the same sentence. At first glance, it doesn’t fit, right? I mean, what does our testimony have to do with our workouts? Aren’t the two things totally separate? It almost seems odd to add a spiritual component to a …

Intermittent Fasting: A Faith-Based Perspective

If you’ve googled anything diet-related recently, you’ve probably noticed that intermittent fasting is all the rage. Social media and YouTube and news reports are all touting this popular new way to eat. There are many different ways you can do it, but they all involve some sort of extended fasting, whether it’s 16 hours at …


This morning, I read something that felt so profound and important, I got the urge to share. So here’s my little devotional for today from a wonderful writer who’s been stirring my heart for a decade. I’m hoping it meets you where you are and blesses you in turning you more to your Savior. 🙂 …

A Different View on Indulging Our Cravings

In one of my favorite books on emotional eating, the author describes a behavior she calls Indulgent Eating. The idea is basically that we say to ourselves, “I want it, so I’m going to have it. I don’t care about the consequences. I want to indulge, so I’m going to. And no one can convince …

Filling My Mind With Truth

Sometimes I need to completely flood my mind with comfort. To just stop and take a deep breath and fill my mind with reassurance that things are going to be OK. I especially need it when the wind and waves of life have been beating on me and beating on me and trying to strip …

It’s Too Hard…

Tonight, I wanted to offer some food for thought from the pen of author Stasi Eldredge in her book Defiant Joy: Taking Hold of Hope, Beauty, and Life in a Hurting World. I hope it makes you pause like I did and reconsider which kind of hard I’m choosing every day: “It’s hard to fight …

Change Is The Only Constant

Oh, my poor little blog. You have been so neglected. I think of you often, yearning for more time to sit and write to my heart’s content. Such is life right now. The funny thing is, along with everything else going on, we’ve added a new adventure to the mix: we put our house up …


My 19 year old daughter Lexi just wrote a beautiful piece based on this amazing work of art. It moved me so deeply I had to share it here. To any who have felt like they’ve been submerged in darkness and have lost all hope, I offer this inspiring picture of the salvation available to …

Finding Rest

The Lord taught me something profound this week, but He did it in the oddest way. I’m still trying to wrap my brain around it. I’m smiling about His creativity now, but I’ll admit that, at the time, I couldn’t understand what He was doing AT ALL. It’s a good thing I love Him so …