My Definition of Faith-Based Fitness

I know—you may be wondering why in the world I would put Faith and Fitness in the same sentence. At first glance, it doesn’t fit, right? I mean, what does our testimony have to do with our workouts? Aren’t the two things totally separate? It almost seems odd to add a spiritual component to a sweaty cardio class or a long, grueling run. But that’s exactly why it’s so important—because the truth is that we “do all things through Christ which strengtheneth [us]” (Philippians 4:13). So shouldn’t that also include our plan to get to keep our physical body strong and healthy?

Recently, I searched the web to see if anyone else out there had made that same connection. II did find a few Christian-based trainers doing all they could to promote a combination of faith and fitness. Programs that weren’t about getting flat abs or reaching a size 2, but taking care of our temple in a faith-filled and inspirational way.  

But what I’m talking about goes even deeper than that.

We may think Faith-Based Fitness means we choose some sort of workout program, and then get on our knees and ask for the Lord for the strength to follow our plan. While that’s not a bad place to start, I’m talking about something even better. I’m talking about turning all our plans over to the Great Physician to help guide us to the type of exercise that our body (and mind and heart) needs most.

Why would we do that? Because the Lord knows us WAY better than we know ourselves. He knows our deepest fears and desires. He knows what motivates us. And He knows exactly what we’re dealing with in every single moment. So if we’re trying to make improvements in the health and strength of our body, wouldn’t it make sense to let Him lead the way? Why would we want to charge out on our own when we’ve got a heaven-sent personal trainer who can tell us exactly what will work best for our bodies while also bringing joy and peace to our hearts and lives?

Let me illustrate with a personal example. A few years ago, our family moved to a new state, and I started a job that was more intense than anything I’d experienced in a long time. I clocked in early in the morning and spent the whole day on my feet, and came home so exhausted that all desire to exercise completely vanished (please, no more walking!).

Though I knew I didn’t have any more to give, I continued to feel very guilty about it. I mentally scolded myself, trying to convince myself to get up early to fit in a workout, or use my free time to walk when all my body wanted to do was sleep. So, being the gospel-centered health coach that I am, I started praying about it. And the answer that came really surprised me.

The essence of it was this: Jaci, don’t worry about exercising right now. You’re overwhelmed, and you’re only making it worse by feeling guilty about it. Give yourself permission to take that off your plate for the time being. I will give you all the energy you need to get through the day.

And He did. Again and again and again. I was completely awed by that very personal, intimate experience.

What’s more, that answer to prayer really shifted the way I saw fitness. While the voices of the world would have told me that forsaking exercise was the worst choice I could possibly make, the Lord’s gentle guidance allowed me to peacefully set aside that expectation until I’d reached a place where I was better able to handle it. It showed me that He really did know me better than I knew myself, and He helped me see the best way to cope with that stressful time in my life.

But this particular lesson for me wasn’t over yet. Not even close.

Once my life calmed down and I was ready to start exercising again, I found myself itching to jump in full steam ahead. My favorite high intensity workouts were calling my name, and I was excited to dive in with gusto. But because I now believed wholeheartedly in involving the Lord in the process, I prayed again for His guidance to know how and where to begin.

And His answer wasn’t at all what I expected.

He began by pointing out the nagging neck and glute pain I’d been struggling with, and how my body wasn’t ready for that aggressive workout plan I’d so excitedly outlined. He suggested I begin with some yoga, stretching, and walking (something I’d never even considered). That would allow me to slowly ease my way back into the more intense workouts that I loved.

You know what? He was exactly right.

As I began to follow His counsel, the yoga felt so good I actually found myself in tears. I had no idea how desperately my tight muscles had needed it. My aggressive workout plan would have literally been a punishment to this sweet body that had carried me through so much stress. I was filled with love and gratitude that the Lord that He would help me slow down and care for my body in such a tender way. And it also prepared me for the more difficult workouts that I introduced when the time was finally right.

So, to put it simply: HE KNOWS WHAT WE NEED. Even when it comes to fitness. While His counsel won’t always match the voices shouting at us from the world, that’s OK. As our Great Physician, I know without a doubt that He can show us exactly how to exercise our bodies, and also give us the grace and strength and energy to follow through.

**To learn more about a gospel-centered approach to health, check out my You Made New podcast, my Online Courses, or even subscribe to my YouTube Channel.

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