A Health Coach Who’s a Size 12??

Yep, I let the cat out of the bag. I’m a size 12, and I’m actually just fine with it. And it’s not because I’m an “eat-whatever-you-want-and-embrace-it” kind of health coach. No, I definitely believe in more real food and less processed food, in paying attention to what you’re eating and when, and in giving your body the nutrients it needs to be strong, energetic, and happy.

So the question is, if I take care of myself and eat right, why am I still a size 12? After all, isn’t the goal of health supposed to be THINNESS? A SIZE 2 in your jeans? FLAT ABS and NO CELLULITE and NOTHING ON YOUR BODY THAT JIGGLES?

Sorry, but I just don’t buy that paradigm anymore.

I believe our culture has force-fed us a standard that’s nearly impossible to attain. And even when we try, all we’re left with is a load of insecurity, self-condemnation, and a sense of never-being-enough.

So I’m incredibly grateful that the Lord helped me accept and even EMBRACE my own natural healthy weight. And yes, with the curves the good Lord gave me, and with my natural metabolism and genetics and lifestyle, that really is a size 12.

It’s a size where . . .

I don’t have to obsess about food.

I don’t have to write down every bite I put in my mouth.

I’m not consumed with thoughts of what to eat or not to eat.

It’s a size that’s helped me find my happy place, and I really want to stay there. And as a gospel-centered health coach, I want to help you do that too.

To learn more, you can check out additional videos on my YOUTUBE CHANNEL, or explore my ONLINE COURSES. Or click the image below to listen to my YOU MADE NEW PODCAST:

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