

My 19 year old daughter Lexi just wrote a beautiful piece based on this amazing work of art. It moved me so deeply I had to share it here. To any who have felt like they’ve been submerged in darkness and have lost all hope, I offer this inspiring picture of the salvation available to us through our blessed Rescuer, Jesus Christ:


I’m drowning.

My hand is the last thing to sink under the water’s surface as I try to cling to the last ounce of air above. But, of course, I slip further, now fully encased in the confining waters. Before long, my heart is taken in panic as my lungs start to burn and my chest starts to ache. My body begs for a breath of fresh air, a breath I cannot attain.

I look down.

The darkness of the water below steals all hope from my heart. The depths of drowning swallow any ounce of light. I sense the monsters lurking, the terror awaiting. I continue to slip further away from that gasping breath of fresh air as I feel Misery’s grip on my ankle, slowly pulling me down to a doomed fate.

But I know I have a choice.

My gaze now falls forward. I am completely overcome in the waters, every ounce of me submerged. I fear I’ve sunk too far for rescue. But I still wonder, could it be so easy? So simple?

I look up.

My heart starts to beat with hope instead of panic when I see the water’s surface is still an arm’s reach away. Light reflects through the waves and I know where my salvation lies. With lungs aching, chest burning, I start to reach up yet again.

In the reflecting light, I see a hand break through the surface. My doubts are screaming that I am too far out of reach, tempting me to submit back down to the darkness. Instead, I close my eyes and reach one last time.

Suddenly, I feel my Rescuer’s touch, and a rush of warmth consumes my body. A firm, steady grip now holds fast to me, pulling me up. There is nothing I can do but submit to His saving strength to free me from the doomed fate below.

The light grows brighter until my head breaks the surface. In one large gasp, my lungs are renewed with the fresh air. My hearing is no longer dulled by the water’s guard. My eyes are no longer blurred by the water’s waves. After regaining composure, I finally behold my Savior.

I am astounded to see His bright being untouched by the waters surrounding. We are not swimming, not floating. We are standing above the waves. He has saved me.

And He will continue to save me, for I know the storms will return, causing the waves to confine me yet again. But I will not fear. There is no need. Not when my Savior walks on water.

Inspired by the painting “The Hand of God” by Yongsung Kim

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