In my lifetime, I’ve only met a couple of women who don’t struggle with body image. For most of us, hating our body (or at least parts of it) just seems like part of being a woman. The feelings of shame and self-condemnation over the way we look start in our pre-teen years and continue well into adulthood.
No matter our size, shape, or age, chances are there’s something we really hate about our body.
We may think our hair is too flat, our feet look weird, or our skin is too red and blotchy. We may say we have too many curves, or as some women have confided in me, not enough. And let’s not even get started on the daily horror of the bathroom scale. Nothing can ruin our day like seeing the wrong number staring back at us from between our perfectly pedicured little toes.
Perhaps the hardest part is that all the intense feelings of shame and inadequacy leave us feeling like we’ll never be enough. Never pretty enough. Thin enough. Shapely enough. Never a flat enough tummy. Never smooth enough skin. The cycle of self-hatred just goes on and on.
But what if there’s another way to look at it?
What if, all this time, we’ve just been seeing our body image and our beauty through the wrong lens?
What if it’s possible to break free from all that torment??
Think about it for a minute. Can you even picture what it would feel like to actually be COMFORTABLE in your own skin? To see your individual beauty for the unique and wondrous creation that it is instead of being buried in criticism and shame every time you catch a glimpse of yourself in the mirror?
I know, it sounds like an impossible dream. Especially in today’s photoshopped, filtered, and Insta-perfect world. But if you’ll give me a chance, I want to show you a whole new to see it.
Well, I’m going to let Rapunzel show you. Her story, anyway. For hidden in that cute little movie, Tangled, is a lesson for all of us—a guide to show us the way to freedom. A way to break out of our own individual towers once and for all.
Join me in this video as we let this sweet princess show us who we were really meant to be.